I love creating workflows for everything! Someone misses a scheduled consult, I’ve got a No Show workflow for that, someone isn’t sure if they are ready to move forward with service and needs a follow up, yup – I’ve got a workflow for that too.
But out of all the workflows, my favorite workflow to use and create for my clients is the Booking workflow. This workflow is where the magic happens because it’s where your lead/inquiry becomes an actual client! How exciting!
In this blog, I’m going to share more about what’s in a Booking workflow and why you need to have one. Let’s dive in!
As I mentioned before, the booking workflow is where you’re transforming your lead/inquiry into an actual client. So what needs to happen in order for you to consider someone no longer a lead, and an actual client? This looks different for everyone but for most, it means at least a signed contract, and/or a deposit has been paid.
Inside the Booking workflow are a few key parts such as the proposal/quote, the contract, and the invoice/deposit. If you aren’t sure what you should be including in your proposal and need some help crafting one be sure to check out this blog for help.
In addition to these key components, there should be follow-ups! According to the Brevet Group, “80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the meeting. 44% of sales reps give up after 1 follow-up.” Following up with leads is SO important! I know you don’t want to be a bother, or feel like you a pushing a sale on someone, but here’s the thing – people are busy and need reminders.
I’ll be the first to admit that I feel pushy following up with people multiple times if I don’t hear back from them. I never want to come off as annoying, or demanding. But people are busy taking care of their kids, working, cooking, or any number of things. Follow-ups give your leads a chance to focus their attention back on you, and I promise they will be thankful that you reached out to them.
The great thing about using a CRM like Dubsado or HoneyBook is that you can automate these reminders using a workflow. This not only allows you to save time since you won’t have to manually follow up with them, but it also takes you out of the equation so you don’t have to feel weird about following up.
Here’s an example of what a Booking workflow looks like using Dubsado.
In this example, you can see that there are 3 follow up emails that get sent out if the lead doesn’t accept the proposal. This workflow also automatically tags this person as a ‘cold lead’ if they don’t book within 10 days as well as archives their project.
Not only can the workflow move this person’s project to archives if they don’t book, but on the flip side if they do book, the workflow can trigger a whole other workflow to start the onboarding process… but that’s a topic for a different day.
Now you might be thinking, ok cool, but I can just do all these manually without a workflow. Yup, you are absolutely right! However, if one of your goals is to scale your business, you can’t be manually doing all the things.
By using a workflow to book your clients you no longer have to remember to check and see if they completed their documents or to follow up if they didn’t. Plus, with the use of a workflow, you are allowing your clients to feel like they are the top priority because you haven’t dropped the ball on wanting to work with them. It’s not always the best look when you send someone a proposal and forget to follow up until a month later. It doesn’t make your lead seem like a high priority.
If you are struggling to create a Booking workflow that automatically converts leads to clients then let me help! There is nothing I love more than helping Professional Organizers save time, increase sales, and serve their clients well with the power of workflows and automations.
Book your 1:1 session today so we can dig in and start crafting your perfect Booking workflow.
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